Sunday 10 February 2013

Zhuang Zedong, Chinese 'ping-pong diplomacy' player, dies

Breaking news 
Chinese table-tennis player Zhuang Zedong, who had an instrumental role in the so-called ping-pong diplomacy that led to a thaw in US-China relations in the 1970s, has died aged 73.

Zhuang's gift of a silk portrait to US player Glenn Cowan in Japan in 1971 triggered events that led to a US team touring China in April that year.
In 1972, Richard Nixon became the first US president to visit communist China.
The visit opened China to the outside world and shifted the Cold War balance.
The US and China normalised ties in 1979.
The incident that triggered the invitation to the US table tennis team to visit China took place in Nagoya, Japan, when Cowan missed his team's bus and was given a ride on the Chinese bus.
In an interview with Reuters in 2007, Zhuang said his team mates had urged him not to approach the American, but he ignored them.
Through an interpreter he told Cowan: "Although the US government is unfriendly to China, the American people are friends of the Chinese. I give you this to mark the friendship from Chinese people to the American people."
Pictures of the encounter were splashed in the media and Chinese leader Mao Zedong quickly ordered his foreign ministry to extend the invitation.
"Zhuang Zedong not only knows good ping-pong, he knows good diplomacy too," Mao reportedly said.

Read more:updatallnews

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